Moments after Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb resigned from his post, arch-rival Trinamool Congress launched a blistering attack on him saying even the BJP bosses are "fed up with his incompetence". The Mamata Banerjee-led party has recently put a lot of energy to make an entry into the Bengali majority border state, leading to frequent clashes with the ruling BJP.
Jumping on the opportunity to vindicate its criticism of Biplab Deb, Trinamool claimed the BJP is "rattled" by its progress in the state and "change is inevitable". Tripura goes to the polls next year.
"Goodbye & good riddance to the CM who failed thousands of people in #Tripura!
Enough damage done. So much so that even the top bosses at @BJP4India are fed up of his INCOMPETENCE.
Folks at BJP seem very rattled by what @AITCofficial achieved in the state. CHANGE IS INEVITABLE," Trinamool tweeted.
Goodbye & good riddance to the CM who failed thousands of people in #Tripura!
— All India Trinamool Congress (@AITCofficial) May 14, 2022
Enough damage done.
So much so that even the top bosses at @BJP4India are fed up of his INCOMPETENCE.
Folks at BJP seem very rattled by what @AITCofficial achieved in the state. CHANGE IS INEVITABLE.
Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee, the nephew of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, has been making frequent trips to the northeastern state lately with the upcoming assembly elections in mind. The BJP has, however, called Trinamool a "non-factor" in Tripura's affairs.
Both parties have been engaged in a fierce battle to win over the electorate in Tripura, often leading to violent skirmishes between their cadres.
Mr Deb made the announcement after meeting the governor at the Raj Bhavan.
"Party wants me to work to strengthen the organisation," news agency PTI quoted Biplab Deb as saying.
The resignation follows reports of infighting within the BJP's state unit.
The BJP legislature party in Tripura, say reports, is to meet later today to elect its new leader.
Senior BJP leaders Bhupender Yadav and Vinod Tawde, who are already in Tripura, have been appointed as observers for the election of the legislature party leader. Besides them, the party's state in-charge Vinod Sonkar will attend the meeting.
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