Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ministers on Saturday presented a report card of the two years of the government at a six-hour mega show at Delhi's India Gate. "The people of India have placed their faith in us. We have left no stone unturned in our hard work," PM Modi said at the conclusion of the programme, titled Ek Nayi Subah" (a new morning).
Here are the latest developments:
Without naming the opposition, PM Modi said, "Those who were earlier looting the nation are not enthused by this government." Highlighting the steps taken to combat corruption, he added, "If I have stopped so much corruption, there will be many who will criticise me."
Through the evening PM Modi's cabinet ministers had participated in chats with anchors of Doordarshan -- which was broadcasting the show - giving an account of the big schemes and initiatives of the government. The list included some of the key projects, including Make in India, Digital India and the Clean India campaign.
Bollywood starts who were associated with various government programmes were roped in. Some of the well-known industry heads also participated. In keeping with the government's focus on inclusion, the programme cut live to other cities - including Ahmedabad and Mumbai.
Giving an overview of the economy, Union finance minister Arun Jaitley said, "India is growing much faster compared to the world, but I feel India could do better. It is difficult to maintain growth when the rest of the world is faring poorly."
Talking about the government's social security schemes, Union minister Jayant Sinha said these, coupled with "JAM - Jan Dhan, Aadhaar and Mobile - are like a shield for the poor".
Actor Amitabh Bachchan hosted a segment for the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme. Vidya Balan who is part of the Clean India campaign and Kajol, who has recently been included into the Prasar Bharati Board also participated in the programme.
Union water minister Uma Bharti promised that Ganga will be among the world's top 10 cleanest rivers by 2018. The Narendra Modi government, she said, has allocated Rs 20,000 crore to meet the target.
Participating in the first segment on young Parliamentarians, Union minister Rajyavardhan Rathore said, "If there's someone who is the youngest in our cabinet it is Narendra Modi".
Describing her ministry's efforts to trace lost children, Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi said a website called 'khoya paya' has been set up, which matches photographs. You can put in the picture of the child and find where he or she is." The government, she added, has built 30,000 homes for orphans.
The talks were interspersed with entertainment segments, in which the well-known Shillong Choir, Kailash Kher and Indian Idol child star Nahid performed.