Manohar Anandrao Patil, a resident of Mangrul village of Maharashtra's Latur district, is on an unusual mission. With Tricolour in his hand, the Ashoka emblem as his badge, the 40-year-old ex-Army Jawan walks on to tell the nation what disturbs him.
"When my country's financial capital was attacked by terrorists, I said I have to do something for my country even if it means sacrificing myself," he says.
Patil lost his parents, his brother and his pregnant wife in the 1993 Latur earthquake, but nothing broke the spirit of this Rashtriya Rifles jawan who has served in Kargil, Siachen and Kashmir.
He eats only once a day, doesn't accept a rupee from anyone, and never puts down the Tricolour during the day.
"I never get tired. I can stand for even 24 hours holding the Tricolour. After all, I am an Army man," he proudly says.
Even as the world around him is wrecked by incidents of violence and intolerance, this lone soldier marches on spreading the message of peace and patriotism.