A court in Jharkhand's Medininagar on Wednesday sentenced three people, including a former MLA's brother, to 20 years of rigorous imprisonment each for gang-raping a woman, and a woman accomplice to 10 years in jail for aiding them in committing the crime.
The court of Palamu District and Sessions Judge KPN Pandey also slapped a fine of Rs 20,000 each on the three convicts, failure of payment of which will attract an additional prison term of six months each, senior advocate Sudha Pandey said.
Similarly, the woman convict was also slapped with a fine of Rs 10,000 and non-payment of the amount will lead to an additional sentence of six months.
The incident took place in Rahiya village in Manatu police station area on December 16, 2016 when the woman was gang-raped by her husband, and his two friends, of whom one is the brother of a former MLA, and they were assisted by another woman in committing the crime.