West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress party is expected to win 156 of the state's 294 seats but the BJP will score a strong 121 seats, says NDTV's poll of exit polls at the close of marathon state elections held since March. An aggregate of six exit polls predicts that Mamata Banerjee will make it past the half-way mark, enough to win a third straight term.
The Congress is up for disappointment in Assam, the exit polls suggest, with the BJP expected to retain power by winning 72 of 126 seats. The Congress is likely to win 53 seats, say the polls.
An aggregate of five exit polls showed the LDF front is likely to win 85 of 140 seats - ahead of the half-way mark - and the Congress-led UDF at 53 seats, the polls say. The BJP is set to make its presence felt with two seats.
Exit polls often get the results wrong. The counting of votes for assembly elections to four states -- Bengal, Assam, Kerala and Tamil Nadu -- and one Union Territory, Puducherry, will be done on May 2.
The polls, which started on March 27 and ended today, were held for 294 seats in West Bengal, 234 seats in Tamil Nadu, 140 seats in Kerala, 126 seats in Assam and 30 seats in the union territory of Puducherry.
Here are the highlights on Poll of Exit Polls:
Mamata Banerjee has an edge in Bengal with her Trinamool Congress winning 148 of the state's 294 seats and the BJP not far behind at 131 seats, says NDTV's poll of exit polls on state elections that were held in the shadow of a steep rise in Covid cases.
"The amount of development that has come about in Bengal under Mamata Banerjee will be appreciated by the people": Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar, TMC MP#PollOfPolls #WestBengalPolls pic.twitter.com/IaEIk8SczZ
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 29, 2021
PollofPolls | As per exit polls: TMC has an edge in West Bengal, BJP ahead in Assam, DMK sweep in Tamil Nadu, LDF leads in Kerala #ElectionsWithNDTV
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 29, 2021
(Health warning: exit polls often get it wrong) pic.twitter.com/0Ft3Pr7a94
India Today-Axis My India poll gives huge edge to the CPM-led LDF in Kerala ( at 7.45 PM)#PollofPolls #ElectionsWithNDTV
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 29, 2021
(Health warning: exit polls often get it wrong) pic.twitter.com/jJLOFUf8Be
#PollofPolls | "It does not matter who wins. India is losing the battle against Covid-19": Aadil Boparai, Congress Spokesperson#ElectionsWithNDTV pic.twitter.com/fQ4O54GxqH
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 29, 2021
#PollOfPolls | BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is likely to retain power in Assam, NDTV's poll of exit polls, an aggregate of all #ExitPolls, has predicted.
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 29, 2021
(Health warning: exit polls often get it wrong)
More here: https://t.co/p0TN6pQbzF pic.twitter.com/EzLoli2nIZ
#PollOfPolls | Early #ExitPoll results from #Kerala appeared to give the edge to the ruling LDF coalition while the Congress-led UDF seemed to come in close behind.
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 29, 2021
(Health warning: exit polls often get it wrong)
Watch live: https://t.co/3r7TEZ5wAk pic.twitter.com/oIWKhVCpkS
#PollofPolls | N Ram, Director, The Hindu Publishing Group, on the #WestBengalElection2021 #ElectionsWithNDTV pic.twitter.com/0OcmGA2yOx
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 29, 2021
The DMK is predicted to come to power in Tamil Nadu, according to a poll of exit polls.
Poll of exit polls at 7:15 PM shows Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) and its allies will sweep Tamil Nadu, the Bharaitya Janata Party will retain Assam while the Left Democratic Front (LDF) will win in Kerala.
The poll of four exit polls at 7:10 PM showed that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is ahead with 149 seats while BJP and its allies are expected to win 116 seats.
#PollofPolls | "This election is going to be very significant": N Ram, Director, The Hindu Publishing Group#ElectionsWithNDTV pic.twitter.com/xEFPPHmN0P
- NDTV (@ndtv) April 29, 2021
Exit poll results for elections in five states are set to be announced soon as news networks try to forecast who will win the high-stakes battles in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam and Puducherry.