Multiple social media users shared a video of PM Modi addressing a rally, in which he is heard saying that "BJP can never make a strong India". In its investigation, PTI Fact Check Desk found a digitally altered video of PM Modi was shared on social media with false claims.
A Facebook user shared on April 26 a video of PM Modi addressing a rally in which he can be heard saying that BJP can never make a strong India.
The caption of the post read, "मोदी कह रहा है à¤à¤¾à¤œà¤ªà¤¾ सरकार कà¤à¥€ à¤à¥€ à¤à¤¾à¤°à¤¤ को मजबूत नहीं बना सकती देखतो नतीजा"
An English translation of the caption read, "Modi is saying that BJP government can never make India strong, see the result"
Here is the link and archive link and below is a screenshot of the same;
Starting the investigation, the Desk ran the video through InVid Tool Search and extracted several keyframes of the video. On running one of the keyframes through Google Lens, we found an X post carrying the same video with similar claim.
Here is the link and archive link and below is the screenshot of the same
On further investigation, the Desk came across a Live on YouTube uploaded by the official channel of Narendra Modi on April 21.
The description of the video read, "Campaigning for the 2024 Lok Sabha election has intensified, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the star campaigner for the NDA, amplifying his support for BJP candidates in Rajasthan. Talking to the people of Jalore, PM Modi announced that those who haven't yet secured a pakka house will be guaranteed by Modi. He mentioned that out of the 3 crore houses to be constructed, one belongs to you. Also, he urged people to inform the sisters of families yet to receive a permanent home that these houses will be allocated in their names."
Here is the link and below is a screenshot of the same:
While watching the video, the Desk found that the viral video was clipped from a 17:55-minute timestamp. The Desk noticed that while addressing the rally, PM Modi says that in the first phase of elections, half of Rajasthan has punished the Congress. At the timestamp of 17 minutes 50 seconds, he says, "Rajasthan is filled with nationalism and the people know that Congress can never make India strong."
Taking a cue from this, the Desk conducted a customised search and came across a report by India TV published on April 21.
The title of the report read, "Congress can never make India strong, symbol of instability,' says PM Modi in Rajasthan"
Here is the link to the report and below is a screenshot of the same:
Subsequently, the Desk concluded that a selected portion of PM Modi's speech was digitally altered and shared on social media with false claims.
PM Modi said that the BJP can never make India strong.
A selected portion of PM Modi's speech was digitally altered.
Several social media users shared a video of PM Modi in which he is heard saying that "BJP can never make India strong". In its investigation, the Desk found that a selected portion of PM Modi's speech was digitally altered and shared on social media with false claims.
(This story was originally published by PTI, and republished by NDTV as part of the Shakti Collective.)
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)