The BJP has complained to the police in Bhopal and Indore, demanding a case against Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, for allegedly making "untrue" social media posts based on a "fake letter" accusing the Shivraj Singh Chouhan-led government of corruption.
Priyanka Gandhi, the Congress General Secretary, had claimed on X, formerly Twitter, yesterday that a union of contractors from Madhya Pradesh has written a letter to the Chief Justice of the High Court, complaining that they receive payment only after paying 50% commission.
"The corrupt BJP government in Karnataka used to collect 40% commission. In Madhya Pradesh, BJP has gone ahead by breaking its own record of corruption. People of Karnataka ousted the 40% commission government, now the people of Madhya Pradesh will remove the 50% commission government from power," she alleged in the post.
In a swift action, Chief Minister Chouhan ordered the intelligence department to probe the corruption claims, adding that the Congress is on a pre-planned agenda to defame the BJP and state government and warned the Congress leaders of legal consequences.
"It was found that this man does not exist and the address of the organisation mentioned in the letter is fake," said Mr Chouhan.
Reacting on the police complaint, Kamal Nath said, "There are thousands of corruption cases. BJP will file case on how many. Now when the corruption is being exposed in the entire state, then what is the solution left with them. Whether the letter is fake or true, ask the people standing here. All these people will tell you not one but 100-200 letters."
Terming her allegation as false, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra has also sought proof from Priyanka Gandhi.
"State Congress leaders first got Rahul Gandhi to lie and now got Priyanka Gandhi to make a false tweet. Priyanka ji, give proof of your tweets, otherwise we have all options open for action," the minister had warned.
Madhya Pradesh elections are due in November this year.