Puducherry Chief Minister N Rangasamy on Tuesday announced that each of the families in the Union Territory covered under public distribution system would be provided 10 kg rice and two kg sugar free of cost for Diwali through ration shops.
He noted that around 3.50 lakh families would be benefitted by this measure. The Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Welfare is making arrangements to distribute the sugar and rice through ration shops in the Union Territory.
Mr Rangasamy also announced a slew of measures to benefit the workers, including hike in wages, attached to the Cooperative Milk Producers Federation (PONLAIT).
Mr Rangasamy also said his government would credit Rs 500 to the bank account of every Schedeuled Caste member under a scheme to provide the cash under DBT system. The amount would be available instead of garments for the members in SC families for Deepavali.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)