A day after PM Modi announced the withdrawal of the three contentious farm laws, farmers have organised a meeting at the Singhu border protest site near the Delhi-Haryana border. The leadership of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), the umbrella body of farmers' unions that is leading the protests, is meeting today to decide the future course of action for protesting farmers. 9 members of the core committee are meeting ahead of another meeting of 32 SKM leaders from Punjab which is scheduled at 2 pm today.
The SKM leadership had yesterday said that they will continue occupying the six protest sites in the national capital at least till the legislation is withdrawn in the Parliament's winter session that starts on November 29.
SKM leader Darshan Pal and Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader Rakesh Tikait had also pointed out yesterday that a government guarantee of Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops is just as important to farmers. They linked it to farmer suicides across the country.
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