Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the "Fit India Movement" today and encouraged the nation to make fitness a part of the daily routine. Embrace the Fit India Movement like the "Swachh Bharat" campaign, the Prime Minister said today while addressing a large gathering in Delhi's Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium on hockey legend Dhyan Chand's birth anniversary celebrated as National Sports Day. The Prime Minister, who is known to maintain a yoga routine, urged people to make lifestyle changes and live healthier lives. In his 30-minute speech, the Prime Minister shared interesting anecdotes and inspiring quotes on fitness.
Inspiring Quotes Of PM Modi on Fit India Movement Launch
The way you made Swachh Bharat movement a success, so should you make this movement a part of your life
There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. Success is related to fitness
From boardroom to Bollywood, sky is the limit for those who stay fit. Body fit hai to mind hit hai
If you want professional success you must be fit in body and mind
Previously one would walk 8 to 10 km every day. These days we keep a track on how many steps we have taken through apps
Lifestyle diseases and disorders are on the rise. Small changes in our lifestyle can make all the difference. We must be aware of fitness
Earlier we heard of people getting heart attacks in the 60s but now you hear men in their 30s and 40s suffering heart attacks
Many talk of dieting and fitness but do not adhere to what they preach at the dinner table
Being healthy is great fortune. Fitness is not just a word. It is about a healthy and happy life
Fitness has zero investment and hundred per cent return