Five officials of the Indian High Commission in Pakistan, including the two who were arrested and later released in an alleged hit-and-run case there, returned to the country through the Attari-Wagah border on Monday, officials said.
According to them, those who returned are Air Adviser Group Capt Manu Midha, Second Secretary S Shiv Kumar and staff members Pankaj, Selvadhas Paul and Dwimu Brahma.
Dwimu and Selvadhas were arrested on June 15 in Pakistan in the alleged hit-and-run incident. Both were later released.
After the incident, India had summoned the charge d' affaires of the Pakistan High Commission, lodging a protest over the "abduction and torture" of two officials of the Indian mission in Islamabad.
The five officials travelled to the Wagah check-post in a car.
They underwent thermal screening and preliminary medical check-up before proceeding to Delhi, the officials said.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)