All India Football Federation said on Wednesday that it has closed the investigation into its suspended executive committee member Deepak Sharma over alleged physical assault of two women players in Goa. The women, it said, "do not wish to pursue the matter any further".
This comes a day after the AIFF suspended Sharma until further notice.
In a statement, the AIFF said its Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), which investigated the matter, was "not in a position to continue the investigation as the alleged victim and the other party do not wish to pursue the matter any further."
"The ICC would not be in a position to continue the investigation as any complaint and/or further information regarding the alleged incident has been denied by the concerned individuals.
"In view of the above, the investigation was concluded as withdrawn," the AIFF said.
Two footballers of Himachal Pradesh-based Khad FC, who were taking part in the Indian Women's Football League second division, had alleged that Sharma, the owner of the club, had barged into their room and physically assaulted them on the night of March 28.
On Saturday, the AIFF asked Sharma to refrain from football-related activities till the probe ends. He was arrested by the Goa police and later released on bail.
On Monday, the Emergency Committee of the AIFF, comprising president Kalyan Chaubey, vice-president NA Haris and treasurer Kipa Ajay, took stock of the complaints against Sharma received from the players.
Later, a meeting of AIFF member associations was held on and "Sharma was called and heard for a few minutes before he was advised to leave the meeting."
Sources said in the complaint to the AIFF, the two players said Sharma was mostly in an inebriated state and they were "scared for their lives".
Sports Minister Anurag Thakur had also asked the AIFF to take "quick" and "strong legal action" against the official.
On Tuesday, the AIFF also dissolved the three-member committee formed on March 30 to probe the incident, and referred the matter to its Disciplinary Committee.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
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