Forner Karnakata Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday said that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government has been indulging in phone tapping for several years and reports of the recent Pegasus spyware scandal is nothing new.
Addressing mediapersons on the Pegasus project, that allegedly targeted the phones of several politicians and journalists over the last few years, the senior Congress leader said that even the phone of his Personal Assistant and other leaders had been tapped in 2019.
"My PA Venkatesh's phone was tapped in 2019. Even the phones of HD Kumarswamy, Dr G Parameshwar and others were tapped. These reports are not new. The BJP did whatever was needed to topple the coalition government. I have asked for a Supreme Court-led committee for an enquiry," he said.
He added, "When governments tap phones of Supreme Court judges, it is an assassination of democracy. They have no moral right to continue in power, the BJP government is useless."
Amid talk of a possible change in the state's leadership, Siddaramaiah today demanded that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announce a Dalit name for the post of Chief Minister in the upcoming Assembly elections.