Former president Ram Nath Kovind on Monday moved to his new residence at Janpath road, the bungalow once occupied by former Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan.
Ram Nath Kovind drove down to his new home from Rashtrapati Bhavan after Droupadi Murmu took over as the President of India.
Mr Paswan had lived in 12 Janpath for three decades before his death in 2020. Following an eviction notice, his son Chirag Paswan had vacated the house in April.
The bungalow was readied for Kovind as his post-retirement home.
Paswan, one of the country's most prominent Dalit leaders, died at the age of 74 in October 2020. He had been a minister in central governments headed by parties of contrasting ideologies, ranging from the Janata Dal to the Congress and the BJP, since 1989.