This Article is From Jan 20, 2013

From now on, Congress and the people of India are my life, says Rahul Gandhi at Congress conclave

From now on, Congress and the people of India are my life, says Rahul Gandhi at Congress conclave
Jaipur: Rahul Gandhi, who has been appointed Vice President or No. 2 in the Congress, spoke at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) session in Jaipur today. Highlights from his speech:

  • I want to thank you all for the support shown to me.
  • It's a huge honour for me. The party has taught me a lot in the last 8 years.
  • In 1947, India was liberated not by arms but by non-violence and through the voice of the people. The Congress said we will use non-violence and sent the British home.
  • Gandhiji's successors ensured democracy was the bedrock of our Constitution.
  • Every Indian is going to be supported by the Congress, no matter what caste, religion.
  • The Green Revolution restored the voice of the farmer; the IT revolution literally gave people a voice.
  • The Food Bill will ensure no mother sees her child go hungry. RTI allows every Indian to take on the battle against corruption.
  • Why is it that ministries do the work of panchayats? Why does the Supreme Court do the work of lower courts?
  • No matter what state or which party, why do a handful of people control the entire space?
  • No matter how much knowledge you have , if you don't have position you are not heard - this is the tragedy of India.
  • I meet people in high positions with no understanding of issues - this happens because we don't respect knowledge, we respect position.
  • Manmohan Singhji spearheaded another revolution and unleashed the voices of thousands of entrepreneurs.
  • For the first time, people are being ensured their rights.
  • Voices of thousands are telling us that India's governmental system is stuck in the past and is a system that dis-empowers. Power is grossly centralised in our system.
  • Why is our youth angry? Because they are alienated as the powerful drive around in cars with red beacons.
  • Until we start to empower people, we can't change anything in this country.
  • All our systems are aimed to keep people out.
  • The corrupt stand up and talk of eradicating corruption, and people who disrespect women all their lives talk of women's rights.
  • We need the aam admi to participate in our politics. Even as we speak their lives are being decided in closed rooms.
  • A young and impatient India is demanding a greater voice, and let me tell you they will not watch silently.
  • Yet I am optimistic as we already have the building blocks for a better future.
  • India is more connected today. It is no longer possible to limit an idea whose time has come, such as Aadhar and direct cash transfers.
  • My father used to talk of only 15 paise (out of a rupee) reaching the poor, and now we are out to ensure that 99 paise reaches them.
  • But our opponents say the Congress is bribing the people.
  • The balance of power needs to shift from Delhi to the panchayats.
  • I am most optimistic because of our youth. Our institutions should be prepared to train them to get them the best jobs around the world, so that the tremendous energy of the youth can be fully unleashed.
  • You have given me a great responsibility. The Congress is not a party but a family. This is the world's biggest family and has room for all Indians.
  • Does this family need change? Yes, but by taking the views of you all.
  • I used to be the general secretary of NSUI, Youth Congress. Now I am Vice President. From today, Rahul Gandhi will work for you all.
  • I promise you that I will treat you all the same and will listen to you all.
  • I understand that in politics we have to work hard and change things, but slowly and for the long term.
  • This is a party that has no rulebook; I am surprised how this party works and beats opponents.
  • This is the organisation of Mahatma Gandhi and has the DNA of India in it. The Opposition does not understand this.
  • Opponents say we stand for a particular community or religion, but the Congress says it belongs to India.
  • The Congress needs to focus on leadership development. Five years from now on, we need to create 40-50 leaders who can run the country, not just the states. The Congress should groom leaders whom the people would want to follow.
  • To achieve this, we need a structure in place.
  • Our party workers, block level leaders are not consulted while giving poll tickets. People from other parties join us, fight polls on Congress tickets, lose and go back. This has to change.
  • Every Congress party worker is worthy of respect. If our leaders don't work, they should make way for others.
  • No party has a leadership depth like the Congress.
  • I do not know everything, no one does... But there are millions of people and someone somewhere has the knowledge. I will look for that knowledge, I will ask senior leaders.
  • This morning I got up at 4 and went to the balcony, thinking I have a big responsibility. I decided I will tell you about hope and power. As a boy, I loved to play badminton. It gave me balance in a complicated world.
  • I was taught the game by two policemen who protected my grandmother, and who killed her, destroying that balance.
  • As we entered the hospital, people were shouting outside. My father was the bravest person but he was crying.
  • Our country then was not what it is today. We were a poor nation.
  • The same evening I saw my father address the nation. I knew he was terrified of what lay ahead of him. But I saw a ray of light.
  • Today as I look back, it was that small ray of hope that changed India. Without hope, you cannot change anything of the size of India.
  • Last night, everyone congratulated me. But my mother came to my room and she sat and cried. Because she understands that the power that so many see is poison. She can see it because she is not attached to it (power).
  • The only antidote to power is not to chase it and to only use it to change lives.
  • Today the world does not see us as worthless. We are seen as the future.
  • I like to end by saying, the Congress party is now my life. The people of India are now my life. And I will fight for the people of India and for this party. I will fight with everything I have and I invite all to stand up and take on this fight.
