Delhi has been under an unprecedented security cover due to the G20 summit, which will be held in the national capital on September 9 and 10. The venue is Bharat Mandapam in Pragati Maidan in Central Delhi due to which the entire New Delhi district has been put under traffic regulation. The police have said they won't allow free movement of traffic in the region and shut down the markets and theatres in the regulated zone. Even cloud kitchens and other non-essential deliveries have also been stopped. Other parts of Delhi too are expected to see some effects of the regulation due to G20 summit.
Also Read | Do You Live In New Delhi District? Here's What G20 Weekend Will Be Like
Some people chose to go out of Delhi for the weekend due to security checks and traffic curbs. But others had to stay at home due to various reasons.
If you are one of those, here are some tips to make the most of your time:
Learn some culinary skills: Use this time to experiment with new recipes and treat yourself to a homemade feast. Whip up those dishes you've always wanted to try, or order from your favourite local restaurants to support small businesses.
Read some books: The long weekend will give you some time to catch up on that reading list. Grab a book you've been meaning to read, or create a cozy reading nook where you can immerse yourself in a different world.
Exercise and explore: Use this extra time to start a new fitness routine or try a new hobby. Yoga, painting, or gardening can all be fantastic ways to stay active and engaged.
Time for a movie marathon: Have a movie marathon with all those films you've missed. Pop some popcorn, get comfy on the couch and dive into a cinematic adventure.
Virtual travel: Since most of the people have access to high-speed internet connection, they can travel the world from the comfort of their home by taking virtual tours of museums, exploring foreign cuisines, or watching travel documentaries.
Get Creative: Embrace your artistic side by starting a new craft project, writing, or learning to play a musical instrument.
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