Union Minister Giriraj Singh's allegedly derogatory comment over Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee shaking a leg with celebrities, has drawn a sharp retort from the state's ruling Trinamool Congress. Calling his comment "misogynistic" and "archaic", the party has demanded an apology. Mr Singh has denied making any inappropriate comment and accused Trinamool of trying to "create confusion".
Posting a purported video clip of the minister's speech on X, formerly Twitter, the party said it was a reminder of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "Didi O Didi" jibe.
"It's evident that the BJP leaders find it incredibly hard to fathom a woman in power challenging their authority. Their archaic mindset, steeped in gender biases, is blatantly on display," its post read.
In the widely circulated video the party posted, the minister is purportedly heard saying, "Jashn mana rahi hai, thumke laga rahi hai, yeh uchit nahi hai. (She is celebrating and dancing; this is inappropriate.)"
"We are full of anger...we would ask BJP who gave you the right to disrespect a woman? Giriraj Singh is a Union Minister holding a position of responsibility...the way he said such inappropriate thing, even if he apologizes, it's too less," Bengal minister Shashi Panja is quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
In an interview to NDTV, Mr Singh denied making any derogatory comment. "I didn't say anything wrong... I just said that the Chief Minister of a state where poverty is very high is celebrating at a programme...I have given a statement about a Chief Minister and not against any woman leader. I stand by my statement," he told NDTV.
Ms Banerjee said she joins in a few steps if someone requests - the way she does with tribal dancers.
At the Kolkata International Film Festival on Tuesday, Ms Banerjee had joined Salman Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Mahesh Bhatt, Anil Kapoor, Shatrughan Sinha, and others on stage and danced a few steps.