Gita Gopinath, Indian-American economist, celebrated her father's 85th birthday on May 11 and shared a photo on Twitter. In the photo, we could also see her mother. All three of them were dressed in traditional attire. While Ms Gopinath wore a white and gold saree, her father, TV Gopinath, was dressed in all white. Her mother, too, had worn a saree.
In the photograph, all three of them were seen smiling.
She captioned the photo, “A great feeling to celebrate my father's 85th birthday with him and my mother.”
At the time of writing, the photograph had received over 18,000 likes and was retweeted more than 600 times.
By looking at the background, it appeared that the photograph was taken at a temple. One user highlighted the same while replying to Ms Gopinath's post.
There was another user, who, while wishing Ms Gopinath's father, had a strange suggestion as well. “Please try and photoshop the pic to cut out the tin of paint and the plastic bag,” wrote the user.
Another user was impressed that despite all her success and achievements, Ms Gopinath had still stuck to her “roots and culture”.
A fourth user was elated to see Ms Gopinath wearing her “culture with pride”.
One user, while wishing her father on his birthday, wrote, “You are a source of inspiration to us. I always show your image and videos to my six-year-old daughter.”
Since January this year, Ms Gopinath has been serving as the first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Between 2019 and 2022, she was the IMF's chief economist. She had also served as an honorary economic adviser to Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.