This Article is From Aug 19, 2011

Government's new approach to Anna fast

New Delhi : Once Anna Hazare starts his fast at Ramlila ground, the UPA government will look to start its Track II approach. The idea is to convince Anna to give up his fast before the proposed 15 days.

Sources say the government has realized that it cannot fight perceptions. Currently popular perception is that Anna Hazare is the symbol of the fight against corruption. Asa result, the government will not overtly interfere with the fast at Ramlila Maidan.

However, sources add that the government approach will be to engage with people who are associated with Hazare in Maharashtra. In fact, a suggestion was also made that the government send the Jan Lokpal Bill to the Parliamentary Standing Committee. Sources say that this is an option the Parliamentary Standing Committee may consider. They may invite Anna Hazare to place his version of the Jan Lokpal Bill before them.
