This Article is From Aug 25, 2011

Govt evaluates plans to move Anna to hospital

New Delhi: With Anna Hazare declaring this evening that he will not end his hunger strike against corruption, the Government is preparing a plan to move him to hospital, if needed. So far, his doctors say this is not required. His aides also say the police present at Anna's camp at Ramlila Maidan have promised they will not try to move him without the consent of Anna's doctors.

74-year-old Anna is on the ninth day of his fast. Doctors attending to him last night said they were worried about his blood pressure and his vital signs. This morning, they said that because Anna had slept well, he had recovered a little. (Read: Anna's health - What the doctors said this morning)

Addressing his customary crowd of thousands last night at his camp at Ramlila Maidan, Anna had said, "My conscience doesn't permit me to end my fast till we win our fight.  If someone from the government comes to move me to hospital, block the exits.  But stay peaceful...always stay non-violent." (Watch: Anna says he won't go to hospital)

Anna's associates have been negotiating since last night with the government for a revised Lokpal Bill, which is meant to create an independent agency to tackle corruption among public servants. Anna's team wants the Bill to be vetted by them and introduced in parliament in the next four days.  The same bill must be passed, they say, in this session of parliament, currently scheduled to end on September 8.