The Bollywood film fraternity today welcomed the move to cut GST rates of movie tickets. Aamir Khan, Karan Johar, Akshay Kumar, Anupam Kher, Subhash Ghai, Prasoon Joshi and others took to social media to commend the move to reduce tax on movie tickets of two different price ranges. Movie tickets above and below Rs 100 will now be taxed under the 18 and 12 per cent tax slabs respectively.
Karan Johar praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for "swift action" to reduce the GST rate on movie tickets. "Thank you sir for your proactivity and support," he said.
Would like to thank our Prime Minister @narendramodi for the swift action on the GST rate on movie tickets....Great news at the year end! Thank you sir for your proactivity and support.....
- Karan Johar (@karanjohar) December 22, 2018
Actor Aamir Khan thanked PM Modi and the government for "considering the request of the film industry for reduction in GST." He said the support of the government would be needed if "Indian cinema hopes to compete in the world market."
Heartfelt thank you to Honorable PM & the Govt of India for considering the request of the film industry for reduction in GST. If Indian cinema hopes to compete in the world market then we need the support of the Govt & Administration.
- Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) December 22, 2018
This is a great 1st step in that direction.
Anupam Kher, speaking to news agency ANI, said that it was "a historic day for Indian film industry". Giving credit to the Prime Minister for the move, Mr Kher said films "not only entertain but also boost tourism." He later took to Twitter to say it was "a great decision."
Superb news for #IndianFilmIndustry. Cinema tickets upto Rs. 100 which were under 18% GST slab is brought down to 12% slab. Tickets above Rs. 100 were under the 28% slab. These tickets will now be under 18% slab. Thank you PM @narendramodi & officials for this great decision.
- Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) December 22, 2018
Akshay Kumar tweeted saying it was a "welcome move for the industry and audiences as well." Citing a recent meet of many film personalities with the Prime Minister, Akshay Kumar commended him for taking the decision "within a few days of our meeting."
Quick action and how! Within a few days of our meeting with hon. Prime Minister @narendramodi ji, the Government addressed our concern...GST for movie tickets to be reduced. A welcome move for the industry and audiences as well.
- Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 22, 2018
Lyricist and censor board chairman Prasoon Joshi thanked PM Modi for the decision on Twitter as well. He said it was a "significant decision." "Thank you PM @narendramodi for hearing us out last week," he added.
Signifcant decision #GSTCouncilMeet Good news for both cinema goers and #IndianFilmIndustry Movie tickets upto Rs. 100 which had 18% GST now brought down to 12% and the ones in the 28% slab will now be in 18% slab .Thank you PM @narendramodi for hearing us out last week .
- Prasoon Joshi (@prasoonjoshi_) December 22, 2018
Subhash Ghai tweeted saying "happy days are here again" over the decision, tagging PM Modi, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis.
- Subhash Ghai (@SubhashGhai1) December 22, 2018
@narendramodi @arunjaitley @Dev_Fadnavis
For such a swift action on our appeal
Reducing GST rates on Cinema in Two slabs - 12% and 18% for ticket price less than rs 100 n 100+
Happy days are here again
The GST rate for movie tickets below Rs 100 was earlier in the 18 per cent tax slab, while the GST rate for tickets above Rs 100 was in the 28 per cent slab.
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