In the video, Bhushan Bhatt was allegedly telling his party workers "do not care about the poll panel."
A BJP candidate in Gujarat, who was caught on camera assuring to pay petrol expenses to voters, has been sent a show-cause notice by the Election Commission. Bhushan Bhatt is the son of Gujarat assembly speaker Ashok Bhatt. The clip has been widely circulated in Gujarat, which will vote for 93 of its 182 assembly seats in the second and final phase of polling on Thursday.
In the clip, Mr Bhatt, who is contesting from Jamalpur-Khadia, was heard saying telling voters that they will be paid the petrol expenses for their two-wheelers for attending the rally held by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Sabarmati last week.
The clip also shows Mr Bhatt, allegedly telling his party workers "do not care about the poll panel."
Payments to voters in any form - cash or kind - is banned under the Model Code of Conduct that is put in place ahead of elections.
Bhushan Bhatt, however, was defiant. He said he will reply to the Election Commission and explain his "stand over the issue" without elaborating. Mr Bhatt is the sitting legislator from Khadiya Jamalpur area.
Votes will be counted in Gujarat on December 18.
In the clip, Mr Bhatt, who is contesting from Jamalpur-Khadia, was heard saying telling voters that they will be paid the petrol expenses for their two-wheelers for attending the rally held by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Sabarmati last week.
The clip also shows Mr Bhatt, allegedly telling his party workers "do not care about the poll panel."
Payments to voters in any form - cash or kind - is banned under the Model Code of Conduct that is put in place ahead of elections.
Bhushan Bhatt, however, was defiant. He said he will reply to the Election Commission and explain his "stand over the issue" without elaborating. Mr Bhatt is the sitting legislator from Khadiya Jamalpur area.
Votes will be counted in Gujarat on December 18.
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