The Gujarat High Court has ordered the state government to pay Rs 1 lakh to a man who had to stay back in jail for three extra years despite being granted bail, the Bar and Bench reported.
The jail authorities told the high court that they were unable to open the attachment in the bail order that was emailed to them by the registry in 2020, and hence, the man could not be released.
"It is not the case that such email was not received by the jail authorities. It is the case of the jail authorities that necessary action could not be taken in view of the COVID-19 pandemic and though they have received the email, they were unable to open the attachment," the court said.
The man - now 27 - was serving life sentence in a murder case when the court suspended his sentence and granted him bail. Chandanji Takor, however, despite securing bail remained in the jail for three years because the prison authorities failed to take the necessary action.
"The applicant, though was released and could have enjoyed his freedom, was forced to remain in jail only because no attention was paid by the jail authorities to contact the Registry or Sessions Court with regard to the order passed by this Court," said the court.
"The present case is an eye-opener," the bench said.
Blaming the jail authorities for the negligence, the high court ordered the Gujarat government to pay him Rs 1 lakh within 14 days.
"The man is aged about 27 years and he has already undergone, as per the jail remarks, more than 5 years. Hence, in the interest of justice and in order to see that the applicant is appropriately compensated for the negligence of the jail authorities, due to which he was constrained to remain in jail," the order said.