Guwahati Police, in a tongue-in-cheek bid to call attention to the drug problem, asked social media users which was "the most popular place to buy ganja" in the city, referring to cannabis. Using a cartoon of Shahid Kapoor's character 'Kabir Singh' from the film of the same name, the police's official handle in a tweet said they "wanted to buy it in wholesale rate".
The police in Assam have off late promoted social media campaigns to raise awareness about drugs, displaying internet savvy appreciated by many.
Wanted to buy it in Wholesale Rate !! Can Anyone Suggest????????????#GuwahatiFightsAgainstDrugs #GuwahatiCityPolice #Guwahati #KabirSingh
- Guwahati Police (@GuwahatiPol) July 4, 2019
"Anyone lost a huge (590 kgs) amount of Cannabis/Ganja and a truck in and around Chagolia Checkpoint last night? Don't panic, we found it. Please get in touch with @Dhubri_Police They will help you out, for sure ;) Great job Team Dhubri," Assam Police tweeted on its official handle last month.
Anyone lost a huge (590 kgs) amount of Cannabis/Ganja and a truck in and around Chagolia Checkpoint last night?
- Assam Police (@assampolice) June 4, 2019
Don't panic, we found it.
Please get in touch with @Dhubri_Police. They will help you out, for sure ;)
Great job Team Dhubri.
Social media campaigns from police units across cities have been used to promote awareness about many issues related to crime, with Mumbai Police's social media handles being cited as a benchmark in this regard.
Mumbai's police has picked up several issues and infused them with humour, from drug awareness and showing rescue and relief efforts when the city is waterlogged during the monsoon, to sharing memes on traffic-related problems, especially raising the issue of not wearing helmets.
We can't promise you the moon, but can assure you of your safety! #WearAHelmet
- Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) June 29, 2019
In January this year, Mumbai Police shared a meme that used a dialogue from the film Gully Boy.
When he argues to ride a motorcycle without wearing helmet #SillyBoy
- Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) January 10, 2019
However, some have criticised police efforts to count marijuana or cannabis as a drug, at a time when countries are pushing to legalise the plant, known to benefit cancer patients with pain relief as well as other medical benefits.
Canada and the US states of California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Colorado have legalised the plant with other states pushing for legalisation as well.
'Bhang', made from the cannabis plant, is also consumed across India during the festive season of Holi.
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