Actor-politician Khushbu Sundar recently took to Twitter to hit out at Air India claiming that she was made to wait for a wheelchair at the Chennai airport. Ms Sundar in her post tagged the airline to flag the issue.
The politician who is suffering from a ligament tear had to wait for half an hour at the airport. In her post, she wrote, "Dear @airindiain you do not have basic wheelchair to take a passenger with a knee injury. I had to wait for 30mnts at chennai airport with braces for my ligament tear before they could get a wheelchair borrowed from another airline to take me in. I am sure you can do better."
The airline apologised to Ms Sundar for the inconvenience caused. "Dear Ma'am, we're extremely sorry to know about your experience with us. We're taking this up immediately with our Chennai airport team," the airline tweeted.
Ms Sundar's remarks come against the backdrop of at least three incidents of unruly passenger behaviour on two international flights last year.
Ms Sundar, 52, quit Congress in October 2020 and joined the BJP.
In October last year, Ms Sundar questioned the silence of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on a remark by a functionary of his party, the DMK, against her, demanding that he be sacked.
"I would like to see my Chief Minister (MK Stalin) stand up for me. Why is he silent?" Ms Sundar told NDTV, amid a snowballing controversy over a comment by DMK functionary Saidai Sidiq.