Dhanteras, also known as Dhanatrayodashi, is usually celebrated a day or two before Diwali. Every year, it falls on the 13th day of Krishna Pakshs in the Hindu calendar month of Ashwin. On Dhanteras, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Kubera and Lord Dhanwantari are worshipped. People buy precious metals like gold or silver since it's considered auspicious. Dhanteras will be celebrated on November 2 this year.
Here are a few wishes, messages, images and quotes that you can share with your near and dear ones on Dhanteras:
-- May Lord Kubera be always around you, showering his blessings. Happy Dhanteras 2021.
-- Hope this festival of Dhanteras bring good fortune, wealth and prosperity in your life.
-- May Goddess Lakshmi always be in your heart and help you remain happy and healthy. Wishing you all the good things in life.
-- Praying that the festival of Dhanteras fill your life with unlimited happiness, peace and success.
-- May Goddess Lakshmi shower you with her blessings, happiness, wealth and success. Wish you and your family a very Happy Dhanteras 2021.
-- Keep glowing and growing in life. Wish you a very Happy Dhanteras.
-- May the light of diya fill your life with rays of positivity, hope, happiness and success.
-- This Dhanteras let's spread joy, good vibes and fresh hopes.
-- Dear Goddess Lakshmi and dear Kuber Maharaj! Graciously bless the recipient of this message with good health, good wealth and good fortune on the divine occasion of dhantrayodashi. Shubh dhanteras 2021!
-- From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your family, a very Happy Dhanteras. May you all live a happy and prosperous life.
-- Let Dhanteras become the opportunity for you to shine, spread smiles and share happiness.
-- Remember, good will always triumph over evil! Have a great day ahead. Happy Dhanteras.
-- Warm wishes to you are your family on the auspicious occasion of Dhanteras. May Lord Kuber and Goddess Lakshmi shower you with wealth and prosperity.
-- May goddess Laxmi bless your business to do well despite all odds. A very happy and prosperous Dhanteras.
-- On the festive occasion of Dhanteras, let us buy some gold and silver as the tradition and celebrate this special day.... Happy Dhanteras to you.
-- The Sun stays for 14 hours, a candle for 2 hours, and a matchstick for a minute. However, the wishes from my heart will stay with you forever. Happy Dhanteras.
-- I pray to God that on this auspicious festival, may your life shimmer with silver, shine with gold & dazzle with diamonds! Happy Dhanteras!
-- May the shimmering diya lights bring lots and lots of happiness and prosperity to your life. Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous Dhanteras. May Goddess Mahalakshmi shower her blessings on you.
-- May you get the wonderful blessings of the Goddess Lakshmi to get 13 times your wealth. Happy Dhanteras.