In the 10-day long Durga Puja festival, Durga Ashtami or Maha Ashtami is one of the most auspicious days. The eight day of Navratri is known as Maha Ashtami or Durga Ashtami. Goddess Kali had appeared on this day from the forehead of Maa Durga and killed demons who were the associates of Mahishasura, it is said. Maha Ashtami or Durga Ashtami is celebrated with much fervour by many households across the country. At the end of the day, sandhi puja is performed, said to be a significant part of the day.
Goddess Durga's eight consorts, Brahmani, Maheswari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Narasinghi, Indrani and Chamunda, are worshipped on this day.
Durga Ashtami 2019: Here are the images, messages, quotes, Wallpaper, SMSes you can send to your friends and loved ones on the occasion of Maha Ashtami:
May Durga Maa empower your family and loved ones to live a beautiful, healthy and prosperous life. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Happy Durga Ashtami! Be blessed and celebrate the glories of Maa Durga.
May this auspicious day bring prosperity, love and joy to you and your family. Happy Maha Ashtami!
Wish you a blessed Durga Ashtami 2019! May Goddess Durga shine her blessings upon you.
Wishing you and your family a holy, blessed and very, very Happy Maha Ashtami!
Wishing you a very Happy Durga Ashtami 2019!
May Goddess Durga give you and your loved ones immense fortune this Maha Ashtami!
Happy Maha Ashtami 2019! May your family prosper for many, many years this Durga Ashtami.
May you live your life with love and ease with the blessings of Goddess Durga! Happy Ashtami 2019.
May Goddess Durga give you and your loved ones immense strength to take on life's battles with a smile. Happy Maha Ashtami!
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