The country is celebrating the 10-day Ganesh Chaturthi, the Hindu festival which is dedicated to the Lord of new beginnings, Ganesha. Devotees across the country began the day offering aarti (the lighting of traditional lamp and camphor) in temples across the country.
On this day, devotees across the country bring idols of Lord Ganesh to their homes and decorate the idols with flowers and garlands. Modaks (dumplings made of rice flour and jaggery) and laddoos, considered as Lord Ganesh's favourite sweets, are offered to please the Hindu God.
This year, the preparations around the country have been downsized due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which has affected nearly 30 lakh people and killed 56,000 in the country so far.
Most major cities have ordered that effigies of the Lord Ganesha, which can draw thousands of Hindu devotees onto the streets, be shrunk back.
Traditionally, the idols can tower 10 metres (30 feet) high or more and need dozens of people to carry them but this year authorities said they can be no more than 1.1 metres tall in a bid to cut crowds.
The festivities end with the final immersion of an idol of Lord Ganesha, called the Visarjan.
Here are the LIVE updates on Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations across India:
#HappyGaneshChaturthi - wishing happiness and prosperity to you and your entire family. #EcofriendlyGanesha from Riaan & Rahyl
- Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) August 22, 2020
Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray was seen offering Ganesh Chaturthi prayers with his family in a video shared by his office. The 10-day celebrations for Ganesh Chaturthi began today across the country. Read more
Vakratunda Mahakaya
- Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) August 22, 2020
Surya Koti Samaprabaha
Nirvighnam Kurumedeva
Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 🙏#VinayakaChaturthi
For all those willing to have a virtual darshan of Lord Ganesha at the famous Siddhi Vinayak temple, #Mumbai, on the occasion of #GaneshaChaturthi! 🙏 #VinayakaChaturthi
- Ananth Rupanagudi (@rananth) August 22, 2020
"Tim made sure the festival was on point by making a beautiful Lego Ganeshji for us," Kareena captioned her post."
Tamil Nadu: A Chennai housewife decorates her house with Corona-themed Ganesha & thousands of Ganesha idols to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi.
- ANI (@ANI) August 22, 2020
Nandini Vignesh says, "We started collecting Ganesha idols & now we have 3500 idols at home. We travelled to many places to collect idols."
Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray offered prayers to Lord Ganesha at his residence in Mumbai.
गणपती बाप्पा मोरया! 🙏🏼
- CMO Maharashtra (@CMOMaharashtra) August 22, 2020