Ram Navami, the birthday of Lord Ram, is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm across India. The day also marks the end of the nine-day Chaitra Navratri festival. People observe fast from dusk to dawn and offer prayer to Lord Ram. Ram Navami 2022 Madhyahna Muhurat will be between 11:06 AM and 1: 39 PM on April 10. The Ram Navami Tithi 2022 will begin at 1: 23 AM on April 10 and will end at 3:15 AM, on April 11.
Mark the festival of Ram Navami by sending wishes and messages to your friends and family. Take a look:
-May Lord Rama bless you with peace and virtue. Happy Ram Navami.
-I wish that the occasion of Ram Navami be full of celebrations and inspiration from you. Sending you the warmest greeting on the occasion of Ram Navami.
- Wish you a hearty and prosperous Ram Navami. Let our faces beam with a smile all the time by chanting the name of Lord Ram.
-May the occasion of Rama Navami be full of celebrations and inspiration from you.
-This Ram Navami, let us pray for everyone's well being. Here's wishing you and your family on this auspicious day
-May you learn from Lord Rama the true meaning of power, patience, and strong will. Happy Ram Navami to you and your family.
- Wishing you and your family a very Happy and Happy Ram Navami.
-Happy Ram Navami. I pray for your good health and happiness.
-On the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, here's hoping that your heart and home be brightened with divine blessings.