Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, who is contesting the state elections from Karnal, shared a light moment with Congress rival Tarlochan Singh as the two leaders met outside a polling booth today. Voting is being held in a single phase across 90 assembly constituencies of the state today.
Mr Khattar shook hands with the Congress leader and hugged him as they stopped to speak to each other in a rare moment of bonhomie.
The BJP will win more than 75 assembly seats in Haryana, Mr Khattar told NDTV. "We are going to have a second term. We are confident of winning more than 75 seats," he said.
Earlier today, Mr Khattar made a statement on the polling day as he took a train to Karnal and then cycled to the polling booth. "On a special occasion like this, we must give a message to people. We need to save the environment and curb pollution," Mr Khattar said.
"Zero tolerance for corruption will remain our motto in the second term," he added.
Mr Khattar also shared pictures of his train journey from Chandigarh to Karnal on his twitter handle.
His rival Tarlochan Singh, who was born in Karnal, said he is confident of his win in the city. "People of Karnal support me. I am confident of my win," Mr Singh said.
In Haryana, the ruling BJP is locked in contest with the Congress and the fledgling JJP (Jannayak Janta Party) for the 90 assembly seats. Last time, the BJP won 48 seats, the Congress 17.
The votes will be counted on Thursday.
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