Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar was elected the BJP legislative party leader at a meeting in Chandigarh on Saturday. The BJP will form government in Haryana with support from Dushyant Chautala's Jannayak Janata Party (JJP), Union Home Minister and BJP chief Amit Shah had announced on Friday, a day after the state election produced a fractured result.
Union minister Nirmala Sitharaman and BJP general secretary Arun Singh will attend the meeting as central observers.
Eight Independent MLAs have extended their support to the BJP, with six of them meeting its working president JP Nadda. The party has 40 MLAs in the 90-member Haryana Assembly.
Here are the Highlights on BJP's legislative party meeting:
Manohar Lal Khattar was today unanimously elected as the leader of BJP legislative party ahead of his meeting with Haryana Governor Satyadeo Narain Arya during which he will stake claim to form the government. According to sources, Mr Khattar is likely to take oath tomorrow.
"We will go to meet the Governor, and request him to invite us to form the government. The new Haryana government will be stable and clean," said Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad who along with BJP general secretary Arun Singh attended the legislative party meeting as central observers.
Anil Jain,BJP Haryana incharge on whether BJP will take support of Independent winning candidate Gopal Kanda: We will first hold a meeting of our legislative party shortly, after that we will decide from whom to take support. pic.twitter.com/wenTetuceQ
- ANI (@ANI) October 26, 2019
Jannayak Janta Party (JPP) to hold meeting at party office in Chandigarh later today. Yesterday BJP and JJP formed alliance in the state. #HaryanaAssemblyPolls
- ANI (@ANI) October 26, 2019
The BJP will form the government in Haryana in partnership with Dushyant Chautala's Jannayak Janata Party (JJP), Union Home Minister and BJP chief Amit Shah announced on Friday, a day after the state election produced a fractured result." itemprop="description