Haryana BJP MP Arvind Sharma on Saturday issued a vile threat to the Congress - that he would "gouge out the eyes and cut off the arms" of anyone who opposed party colleague Manish Grover.
Delivered at a public event, his appalling comment was greeted with cheers and applause by the audience. He also said the Congress would "run in circles for 25 years" while the BJP - in power after stitching together an alliance with Dushyant Chautala's JJP following the 2019 election - ruled.
Manish Grover is the BJP leader who was on Friday gheraoed by angry farmers while inside a temple in Kiloi village in Rohtak district. Arvind Sharma is the BJP's MP for Rohtak.
The farmers were outraged by Grover's comments; he allegedly called those protesting the centre's new farm laws "jobless alcoholics" and "bad elements" intent on prolonging the protests.
The BJP leader and others were stuck inside the temple for nearly eight hours, after which Grover was seen outside with folded hands. It was only after this that those held hostage were allowed to leave.
After escaping the situation Grover denied offering an apology; he claimed he had been asked to "wave at everyone". "We have not apologised... I will come whenever I want to this temple," he said.
Others held hostage inside the temple were minister Ravindra Raju; Manmohan Goyal, who is the Mayor of Rohtak; and party leader Satish Nandal.
The farmers had asked the crowd to surround the temple from all sides.
Farmers, particularly those from Haryana and Punjab, have been protesting the farm laws for over a year now, with thousands camped out on Delhi's borders.
They have demanded the recall of three "black" laws they fear will rob them of MSP (minimum support prices) and leave them vulnerable to corporate interests.
The government, which has ruled out recall of the laws, has insisted farmers will benefit from the new legislations, and has indicated it is open to amendments.
Talks between the two sides have broken down; the last round was in January, ahead of the tractor violence during Republic Day celebrations in the national capital.