Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday said that a 'parivar pehchan patra' of each family in the state would be prepared that would not only ensure automatic delivery of various citizen centric services to the beneficiaries but also keep a check on corruption.
These cards would be prepared for both joint and nuclear families, Mr Khattar said while presiding over a meeting with all deputy commissioners of the state through video conference, an official release said.
Finance Minister Abhimanyu was also present in the meeting.
The database of about 46 lakh families based on the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC)-2011 has already been prepared.
A 14 digit Id number has been created for each family, it was informed in the meeting.
To update the data based on SECC-2011 following the migration of families, deaths or new births in the family, a massive exercise is being carried out in all districts of the state.
At present, there are about 54 lakh families in the state, which has a population of over 2.5 crore, and these would be covered under this exercise, for which the Department of Planning is the nodal department.
The chief minister directed the deputy commissioners to place hard copies of 'Parivar Pehchan Patra' performa in all offices of public dealing like SDM offices, tehsils, Block offices, schools, ration depot, gas agencies etc so as to ensure that the people visiting these offices for various services update their family details.
Besides, wide publicity should be given to encourage the people to fill the 'Parivar Pehchan Patra' performa, he said.
He directed that it should also be ensured that the people need not to fill the form every time they visit any office or education institution.
He said that the data base that would be finalised after this exercise would serve as a base for all the welfare policies and programmes of the government.
The data would be used by the departments to give benefit of various welfare services to its actual beneficiary by removing duplication as Aadhaar number and phone number of the beneficiary would also be updated in the 'Parivar Pehchan Patra' performa.
Mr Khattar said that the state government is also working for evolving an automatic system of registration of birth, death and marriage.
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