The Haryana government on Thursday suspended a senior official after a worker accused him of sexually assaulting him at gunpoint. The Haryana Civil Services (HCS) officer, posted as the sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) in Hisar's Hansi, has been attached to the office of the Chief Secretary in Chandigarh during the period of his suspension.
He can't leave the headquarters without obtaining prior permission of the Chief Secretary, the state government order read.
The suspension order, however, didn't cite a reason but the worker, a masseur, alleged that he was assaulted while giving a massage.
Speaking to reporters on Thursday, he claimed that he was assaulted at gunpoint.
He claimed that the officer got him recruited as a peon on a contractual basis.
"He used to call me for massages at his official residence. When he started doing wrong things, I refused several times, but he used to carry a pistol and threaten to sack me. Later, I filmed a video of this exploitation to gather evidence," he was quoted as saying by the news agency PTI.
He said that this had been going on for the past six months. He also accused the officer of making casteist remarks.
He filed a complaint with the chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and senior officers of his department.
He has also sent a copy of his complaint annexed with a video of the alleged assault to the Punjab and Haryana High Court chief justice and the Haryana chief minister.
Jind Top Cop Accused Of Sex Harassment
A controversy erupted in Haryana last month after an anonymous letter addressed to Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini alleged Jind police chief Sumit Kumar of sexual harassment.
The letter, purportedly written by a woman cop, accused Kumar of making sexual advances towards her.
She also alleged that two senior women police officers had told her to "cooperate" with the senior officer for promotion and other benefits.
She also alleged that Kumar and the women officers were running a nexus of extortion, as part of which they registered false cases against rich men and then struck deals.
The Haryana State Commission for Women also wrote to Mr Saini, urging him to transfer Kumar. Renu Bhatia, the chairperson of the women's panel, also held a hearing in which Kumar appeared.
Following his appearance before the women's panel, Kumar said he was innocent and alleged a conspiracy against him.
"The viral letter was shared by an email account that was created and deleted within 1.5 minutes," he said, adding that no woman cop has come forward and made allegations against him.
"I am saying that everyone who has worked with me during my 20-year career should be spoken to. Once you are convinced, steps should be taken to address my character assassination too," the police officer said.