Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy said on Friday that he had "great expectations" from Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who represents Karnataka, but he was "disappointed" after she presented her first budget in the parliament earlier in the day.
In a series of tweets, Mr Kumaraswamy criticised the budget and said it is a "big blow" to the state's economy. "This budget has given a big blow to the States economy by reducing GST state share. For Karnataka it will be cut down by around Rs 1600 crore. Cess hike on fuel will also reduce scope for states to levy cess. Moreover fuel price hike will hit everyone directly & indirectly as well (sic)," the 59-year-old tweeted.
He said "more morale boosting programmes were desirable for the farming sector" and added that he was disappointed that no projects or aid were announced for suburban railways.
Budget speech is the most important medium for communicating with the people. Certain intents have been said and nothing beyond it.#Budget2019
— H D Kumaraswamy (@hd_kumaraswamy) July 5, 2019
This budget has given a big blow to the States economy by reducing GST state share. For Karnataka it will be cut down by around Rs.1600 crore.Cess hike on fuel will also reduce scope for states to levy cess.Moreover fuel price hike will hit everyone directly & indirectly as well
— H D Kumaraswamy (@hd_kumaraswamy) July 5, 2019
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented Union Budget in the parliament on Friday, the first since the BJP led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned for a second term in power.
In the Modi 2.0 budget, the government has announced an increase in the cess and excise duty each by 1 rupee per litre on petrol and diesel and a slew of incentives have been announced for those looking to buy affordable homes and electric vehicles.
BJP's youngest parliamentarian Tejasvi Surya, who represents Bangalore South, called the budget "futuristic" and tweeted an appeal to the Karnataka Chief Minister on electric vehicles. He said the state is at an "advantageous position" when it comes to the manufacture of electric vehicles.
In a video, where he is speaking in Kannada, he said it was a moment of pride for the state that "a person from Karnataka presented the budget".
My appeal to @hd_kumaraswamy
— Tejasvi Surya (@Tejasvi_Surya) July 5, 2019
Budget presented by @NSitharaman lays emphasis on Electric Vehicles
K'taka is at an advantageous position when it comes to manufacturing of EVs. Let's make Bluru-old Mysuru region Detroit of EVs' manufacturing in India.#Budget2019 #NewKarnataka pic.twitter.com/Nla1xC5bnv
The ideas proposed in the budget, such as emphasis on electric energy, are futuristic, he said.
He also praised Mr Kumaraswamy in the video. "Karnataka was the first state to include policy on electric vehicles. HD Kumaraswamy deserves credit for this. Karnataka has a first-mover advantage and there are many startups for this in Bangalore," he said.
"Let's make Bluru-old Mysuru region Detroit of EVs' manufacturing in India (sic)," tweeted the 28-year-old leader.
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