Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir received fresh snowfall on Thursday and Friday. Shimla got its first snowfall of 2021 yesterday. The popular tourist destinations of Kufri, Manali and Dalhousie were draped in a white blanket of snow as the cold wave intensified across the state. Shimla received 50 cm snowfall, which is the second highest snowfall in a day in the last 30 years, Manmohan Singh, the chief of the local India Meteorological Centre said.
In Uttarakhand, Mussoorie received heavy snowfall. Rain and icy winds intensified the cold conditions in Dehradun and temperatures dropped sharply. The Himalayan temples of Gangotri and Yamunotri in Uttarakhand received fresh snowfall yestarday, while continuous rainfall hit the lower areas.
#WATCH Himachal Pradesh: Shimla received fresh snowfall today. pic.twitter.com/hN068OIbym
— ANI (@ANI) February 4, 2021
In Jammu and Kashmir, Doda district received fresh spell of snow yesterday. Most parts of Kashmir received snowfall, resulting in significant improvement in the minimum temperature across the valley, weather officials said. The air traffic in Kashmir was restored on Thursday, hours after the flight operations were affected in the morning due to bad weather after overnight snowfall.
In pics: Snowfall in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir
Weather forecast:
- Light rain or snow are likely over parts of Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand during next 24 hours. Light rain and thunderstroms are expected in east Uttar Pradesh, north Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and north Chhattisgarh during the next 24 hours: India Meteorological Centre
- After the passage of the Western Disturbance, northwesterly and northerly winds over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, north Rajasthan have brought the tempertures down once again. The temperatures have fallen by 4 - 6 degrees Celsius during past 24 hours: India Meteorological Centre
- Very dense fog in isolated pockets over west Rajasthan, dense fog in pockets over Haryana and shallow to moderate fog in isolated pockets over Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, east Uttar Pradesh and Bihar: India Meteorological Centre
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