Actor Mithun Chakraborty today joined the BJP at a huge rally in Bengal, ending weeks of speculation. One of Bengal's most beloved actors, Mr Chakraborty, delivered iconic dialogues from his movies leaving the massive crowd in roars and applause. On his next step with the BJP, the actor said he will campaign for the party soon. "The campaign will begin on March 12. I will join. If you have watched Fatakeshto (film series), you would know," he told news agency ANI. Mr Chakraborty, 70, has starred in many Bengali movies as well apart from achieving superstardom in the 1980s for his roles in Hindi cinema. His unique dancing style and dialogue delivery catapulted him to fame. He is also the recipient of three national awards for acting. At the rally, Mr Chakraborty had a new dialogue for his audience. "Ami joldhorao noi, bele borao noi... ami ekta cobra, ek chobol-ei chhobi (Don't mistake me for a harmless snake, I am a pure cobra, one strike and you become a photograph."
- Maarbo ekhaane laash porbe shoshane (I will thrash you here, your body will land at the crematorium). This dialogue is from the Bengali superhit movie 'MLA Fatakeshto' that renewed Mr Chakraborty's fame in the state. He also starred in its sequel 'Minister Fatakeshto'.
- I am Krishnan Iyer MA. Nariyal paani wala (Coconut water seller). Mr Chakraborty's famous turn as a Tamilian coconut vendor in 'Agneepath' won him accolades including the Filmfare Award for best supporting actor.
- Jinke ghar sheeshe ke hote hain, woh basement mein kapde badalte hain (People whose houses are made of glass, should change clothes in the basement). In another hilarious turn, the actor starred in 'Golmaal 3' in 2010, where he delivers the modified (and funny) version of a famous Hindi idiom used widely in Bollywood movies of the 80s and 90s.
- Main gareebo ke liye hero hoon aur tum jaise logon ke liye villain. Naam hai mera Shankar, hoon main Gunda No.1 (I am a hero for the poor and a villain for people like you. My name is Shankar, I am Gunda no 1). Mithun Chakraborty starred in 'Gunda' in 1998 and the over the top dialogues of the movie are remembered even today.
- Shaaper chobol aar cheetar khabol, jekhanei porbey arai kg mangsho tuley nebe (A snake's bite and a cheetah's paw, wherever it lands, it carves out 2.5 kg of flesh). Mithun Chakraborty starred in 'Cheetah', a Bengali movie, replete with memorable dialogues.