Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation after the Supreme Court today gave its judgment on the disputed land in Uttar Pradesh's Ayodhya. The land will be given to a government-run trust for a temple and a "prominent site" in the holy town will be allotted for a mosque, the Supreme Court announced today in a landmark verdict in India's most divisive case dating back decades.
Here are the highlights of PM Narendra Modi's speech on the Ayodhya verdict:
- The world now knows how robust Indian democracy is. The way the people of this country has welcomed the verdict is commendable.
- Today is November 9, it's the day when the Berlin Wall fell. Today, on November 9, the Kartarpur Corridor has been opened by both India and Pakistan. And with today's Ayodhya verdict, it is giving a message about living together.
- The Supreme Court verdict has brought a new day for us. After this judgement, we should work towards a new India. Let's make a beginning of a new India.
- We have to ensure no one gets left behind. We have to ensure everyone walking with us doesn't fall behind.
- The responsibility on every citizen to ensure they follow the rule of law has increased.
- The verdict shows that the toughest problems can be resolved within the Constitution.
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