Young women and girls in many parts of Karnataka were not allowed to enter schools and colleges on Saturday as they arrived in hijabs, despite a court order, as the issue showed no signs of abating after its flare-up about a fortnight ago that prompted the government to close down institutions for a couple of days.
Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has blamed 'outsiders' for the problem and said the issue would be resolved soon.
"The problem is being created by outsiders. The issue would be resolved by the principal, students and the parents. The atmosphere needs to be calmed. I am getting all the information about the happenings in the state," Mr Bommai told reporters in Bengaluru.
According to the information received, as many as 15 Muslim girls have been booked in Tumakuru and 58 students were suspended in Shivamogga for staging demonstrations outside their colleges.
Here are the LIVE updates on the Hijab Row:
4. Binding nature. If it is optional, then it is not essential. If wearing of it is not obligatory, then it is not essential.
1.The practise must be fundamental to the religion.
2 If the practise is not followed, it will change the religion itself.
3. Practice must precede the birth of religion.
1. Views of religious denomination, though significant are not determinative in essentiality of practice.
2. Courts have central role.
AG says Munshi's remarks have been quoted by CJ Kehar in Shayra Bano case.
"A religion may not only lay down a code of ethical rules for its followers to accept, it might prescribe rituals and observances, ceremonies and modes of worship..
1. Is this part of core belief?
2. Is this practice fundamental to that religion?
3. If that practice is not followed, will the religion cease to exist?
CJ : That is the crux?
AG : That is the crux. There are some tests laid down.
Justice Dixit: Different but mutually existing also.
AG refers to Constituent Assembly Debates.
AG: How you mainfest your consciousness amounts to religious practise.
AG: Yes milords
CJ : So whether are we required to go into this constitutional questions or not? Essential religious practice and all?
AG : It may become necessary....
Whether students be allowed to wear dress or apparel which could be symbol of religion, the stand of the state is.. element of introducing religious dress should not be there in uniform
CJ : No, no, you have to take a stand.
AG: On the second issue, we have said Hijab is not essential.
AG : The operative portion of GO leaves it to institutions.
CJ : If institutions permit hijab, you have objections?
CJ : You have argued that the Govt Order is innocuous and the State Govt has not banned Hijab and has not put any restriction on Hijab and that GO merely says students should wear prescribed uniform. But now come to para 19, 20 of your objections
Senior Advocate Jayna Kothari makes a mention on behalf of an intervenor.
Chief Justice says right now Court will not hear any intervenor and will seek their assistance, if need felt, after the respondents' arguments.