Following fresh snowfall in Himachal Pradesh during the past 24 hours, many roads have been closed and a number of power supply and water supply connections have been disrupted, as per the state disaster management authority.
The Himachal Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority said, "Due to the fresh snowfall, 262 roads have been closed including National Highway (NH-003), 889 power supply schemes and 29 water supply schemes have been disrupted in the state."
Earlier, Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued heavy snowfall warning across Himachal Pradesh for Tuesday and Wednesday following the presence of a Western Disturbance.
The state meteorological department also predicted bad weather in the higher reaches of the state.
Senior scientist at IMD Sandeep Kumar Sharma said that there will be another spell of rain and snowfall in the region.
"This western disturbance will be active in the state on the 25th, 26th and 27th of January. There is the possibility of snowfall and the temperatures will drop by 2 to 3 degrees Celsius," he said.