Former party colleagues Jyotiraditya Scindia and Shashi Tharoor found themselves on opposite sides of the 'Hindi fence' today. The Aviation Minister responded in Hindi to a question asked in English which the Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram termed as "an insult".
While responding to supplementary questions asked by members from Tamil Nadu in English, the Union Minister replied in Hindi.
Soon after, Shashi Tharoor commented that it was an "apman (insult)" that the minister was responding in Hindi.
"The minister speaks English. Let him reply in English," Tharoor said.
"Zara jawab Hindi mein mat dijiye... ye apman hai logon ka (Please don't give replies in Hindi... it is an insult to people)," Mr Tharoor said.
A visibly peeved Jyotiraditya Scindia said it was strange for the member to make such a comment.
"Maine Hindi bola to eitraaz ho raha hai (If I speak in Hindi, (the member) has an objection," he said, adding that there was also a translator in the House.
Immediately after Shashi Tharoor's remarks, Speaker Om Birla said, "Ye apman nahi hain (this is not an insult)."