Cops have unearthed a cyber fraud that led to losses worth over Rs 5 crore to Meesho e-commerce company, and arrested three suspects. The fraudsters posed as a fake seller and placed orders via fake accounts on the e-commerce platform, only to claim refunds under the pretext that they received damaged products, said the cyber police.
The suspects set up a company named 'OM Shree Enterprises' in Surat and placed orders with fake names and addresses. After the products were returned due to fake addresses, they would replace them with damaged alternatives and claim refunds. They also sent videos of the damaged products as evidence to Meesho.
Using this method, they collected Rs 5.5 crore in various bank accounts between January and July this year.
The nodal officer of Meesho filed a complaint with the cyber police in July, after which a case was filed and a special team was formed to probe it. The cops collected details about the bank accounts used by them for transferring funds and the mobile numbers they used.
On November 21, the three suspects were arrested in Surat and they confessed their crime during questioning. They also revealed who their associates were and efforts are on to track them.
The cops also found out that the suspects were earlier involved in a similar case in 2023.
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