Assam BJP and its various frontal organisations on Monday filed hundreds of police complaints against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi over his "spirit of India" tweet from last week. This comes at a time when Congress' student wing has launched protests against the Assam chief minister for his "father-son" barb against the Wayanad MP. The student and youth wings of the Congress have lodged several FIRs across different states against state chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.
BJP members have alleged that Mr Gandhi, by not mentioning any of the northeastern states in his tweet, is seceding them from the rest of the country and spreading disharmony.
"There is strength in our Union.
Our Union of Cultures.
Our Union of Diversity.
Our Union of Languages.
Our Union of People.
Our Union of States.
From Kashmir to Kerala. From Gujarat to West Bengal. India is beautiful in all its colours.
Don't insult the spirit of India," the Congress MP tweeted on February 10.
Rahul Gandhi's tweet amounts to waging war against the state, said the complaint by the BJP and accused him of "joining China's agenda" on territorial boundaries of the country.
The BJYM in a statement claimed that the senior Congress leader in his tweet had allegedly excluded the northeast region while describing India.
"Gandhi mentioned India as stretching from Kashmir to Kerala and Gujarat to West Bengal, thereby eliminating Northeast from India. It carried a threat to India's geographical integrity and security," Assam BJYM media convenor Biswajit Khound said in the statement.
Assam BJP Yuva Morcha claimed that its activists have filed more than 1,000 complaints at various police stations in the state. It was, however, not immediately known if any case has been registered by any police station against these complaints.
In one of the purported complaints filed with the police and shared with media, the BJYM alleged that Gandhi's tweet indirectly supported China's claim that the northeast, especially Arunachal Pradesh, is part of it. His tweet expressed the "separatist mentality" which showed the ideology of the grand old party, Mr Khound alleged.
"The Congress party is unfortunate for India and Rahul Gandhi is India's problem," the statement said.
A BJP spokesperson said that the state unit of the party's Mahila Morcha also filed several complaints against Gandhi at different police stations.