Taking exception to Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi's 'Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi de bhaiye' remark, actor-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha on Saturday said that being a "Bihari Babu", it has not just upset him but hurt many people from other states too.
With Priyanka Gandhi Vadra by his side during an election roadshow in Rupnagar on Tuesday, Mr Channi had said, "Priyanka Gandhi is the daughter-in-law of Punjab. Will not let the 'Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi de bhaiye', who have come here to rule, enter the state."
The Punjab chief minister later said his comment was "twisted" and it was directed at a few individuals causing disruption in the state. He had lauded migrants for their contribution to the state's development.
Referring to the controversy, Mr Sinha, who had joined Congress in 2019 ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, tweeted, "Though, CM, Punjab @CHARANJITCHANNI has already clarified and @priyankagandhi has already supported the clarification. But, still being a public figure, our friend Channi, presently the CM, must know how to conduct himself. Public figures must watch their choice of words & language."
"Being a Bihari Babu, it hasn't just upset me but hurt many people from other States, UP, Bihar & Delhi too. Jai Hind!" Mr Sinha said.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)