This Article is From Feb 25, 2013

Hyderabad Blasts: No breakthrough in investigations yet

Hyderabad Blasts: No breakthrough in investigations yet
Hyderabad: Four days after the deadly Hyderabad bomb blasts, Andhra Pradesh Police, under immense pressure to nail the culprits, is yet to make any significant breakthrough in its investigations. Police have questioned nearly 30 persons in connection with the explosions but no arrests have been made yet.

Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde has reiterated that those responsible for the blasts last Thursday would be booked soon.  "We have got some materials there (at the blast site) and tests are being done in the forensic laboratory. Soon, we will get the results and the culprits will be booked soon," he said.

Asked whether  the Centre would now push for the setting up of a National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC), Mr Shinde said, "I have told the Rajya Sabha that we will pursue the NCTC. Many states are still opposing. We have to do it."

Sixteen people people were killed and over 100 injured when two bombs placed on bicycles went off within minutes of each other on February 21. Police are treading carefully and investigating the possible involvement of various suspects, including the banned militant outfit Indian Mujahideen, which has links with the terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).