Tamil actor-filmmaker turned politician Kamal Haasan on Tuesday said he had no animosity with the BJP as his newly launched Makkal Needhi Maiam was yet to take a decision on any alliance with any political grouping or a party in the country.
"I have met BJP leaders. We have our ideological differences with the BJP (but) there is no animosity," Mr Haasan said.
He said he launched Makkal Needhi Maiam on February 21 to start a fresh round of politics in the country "and at the moment I have not considered coalition with any party".
At an interaction with News18, he said he had tried to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi but "I did not get the time".
Mr Haasan paid homage to former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK chief M. Karunanidhi whom he described as "the teacher of all the actors".
"Karunanidhi has had a wonderful political career of 70 years. His mistakes in politics and his success are a lesson for us."
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