Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai -- under huge pressure within the party after a youth leader was hacked to death on Tuesday -- has said that if need be, he would follow the "Yogi Adityanath model" in the state to curb communal forces. The two men arrested in connection with the murder of Praveen Nettaru in Bellare are said to have links with the Popular Front of India, an extremist Islamic organisation.
The murder has set off outrage within the party, and younger members held a mass resignation drive yesterday, declaring that the state government has been unable to protect them. The BJP and Sangh Parivar supporters accused Mr Bommai's government -- which just completed one year -- of not protecting the lives of Hindu workers.
Today, Mr Bommai said, "Considering the situation in Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath is the right person as the Chief Minister to handle the state".
"In Karnataka, we are issuing different methods to deal with communal forces. If the situation arises, Yogi model will be implemented here too," he added during an exchange with reporters.
In Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath is seen as being tough on the law-and-order front, which was one of his key election promises. There have been other measures in cases of communal clashes -- heavy fines on perpetrators and using bulldozers on their illegal properties. Critics have said those at the receiving end are almost invariably Muslims.
"We will take strict action against the culprits. Even organisations supporting them will not be spared," Mr Bommai added."We will see whether it qualifies for the NIA (National Investigation Agency) or what... the rules of UAPA (Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act) will suffice," he added.
Praveen Nettaru's family, the Chief Minister said, will receive Rs 25 lakh from the government and 25 lakh from the BJP.
At a midnight presser held shortly after Praveen Nettaru was hacked to death, Mr Bommai said, "There is anger in our hearts following this killing. This incident within few months after Harsha's (Bajarang Dal activist's) murder in Shivamogga has pained me".
Declaring that the killing was part of a pan-India is conspiracy by anti-national forces "to disturb peace and sow hatred", Mr Bommai had said his government is determined to end this situation.
"Along with routine investigation, stricter laws and punishment to completely eliminate organisations and individuals involved in such terror activities such as PFI, we have decided to raise a specially trained commando force in the state, along with training and ammunition support for it," he had said.