This Article is From Aug 01, 2010

Immigrants spread malaria, says Raj Thackeray

Mumbai: Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray on Sunday blamed "migrants" for malaria outbreak in the city, which has so far witnessed over 40 deaths this season due to the disease.

"Dengue and malaria are spreading fast in the city due to dirty illegal slums which are occupied by migrants only," he said during a programme to mark the fourth anniversary of the MNS students' wing.

Earlier also, people used to suffer from the disease in the city, but now the situation is different. Migrants are "attacking" Mumbai and ruining it, he said, adding that all public hospitals are occupied by outsiders while Marathi people have no place to go.

"The outsiders are coming in huge number to Mumbai and staying in slums. The Municipal Corporation and Maharashtra Government are busy shifting the responsibility on each other," he said.

The MNS leader also criticised "crowd of outsiders" for dominating education field also in the state.

"Migrant students are rushing here for admissions and the Government is also allowing minority institutes to open colleges...Marathi students are refused admissions in these minority institutes and asked to pay money," he said.