Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today accused the central government of "shamelessly unleashing the CBI on Akhilesh Yadav" in its "last weeks in office". In a tweet this morning, Mr Kejriwal declared that it was time to throw out the "dictatorial and undemocratic regime".
Mr Kejriwal was referring to reports that Akhilesh Yadav may be investigated by the CBI in an illegal mining case during his tenure as chief minister of Uttar Pradesh.
The reports emerged after Akhilesh Yadav's Samajwadi Party and Mayawati's Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) indicated last week that they would form a grand coalition in Uttar Pradesh to counter the BJP in the national election due by May.
Mr Kejriwal tweeted: "In its last weeks in office, (the) Modi government shamelessly unleashing CBI on (former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister) Akhilesh Yadav is a reminder to all that we must not forget what Modi's political opponents have faced during last five years. Time to throw out this dictatorial and undemocratic regime."
In its last weeks in office, Modi govt shamelessly unleashing CBI on @yadavakhilesh is a reminder to all that we must not forget what Modi's political opponents have faced during last five years. Time to throw out this dictatorial & undemocratic regime
- Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) January 7, 2019
Several opposition parties have come out in support of Akhilesh Yadav and accused the central government of using the CBI against political opponents. The Samajwadi party chief commented that it was the Congress that had earlier sent the CBI to him and now it was the BJP.
"Now we have to tell the CBI as to how many seats we have distributed in the gathbandhan (coalition). I am happy that at least the BJP has shown its colours. Earlier, the Congress gave us the chance to meet the CBI, and this time it is the BJP, which has given us this opportunity."
On Saturday, the CBI raided 14 locations in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, including the homes of a woman IAS officer, a Samajwadi Party leader and a BSP member, in connection with illegal sand mining.
Mr Kejriwal's office and the homes and offices of some of his ministers have been raided by the CBI in the past. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has accused the ruling BJP at the centre of using the investigating agency to hound its ministers.
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