In a big relief to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi Palaniswami, the Supreme Court today dismissed a petition seeking a CBI probe into the Kodanad estate murder case. Former chief minister J Jayalalithaa's guard, Om Bahadur, was found murdered in April 2017 at her bungalow in Kodanad estate that she frequently visited in the years before she died.
The petition in Supreme Court was filed by a social activist KR Ramaswamy, popularly known as Traffic Ramaswamy. The petition was filed after a former magazine editor released a video clip on January 11, alleging that the Mr Palaniswami had links to the Kodanad murder case.
A 40-year-old security guard was found with his mouth stuffed with cloth and taped. The police had said that a gang broke into the bungalow to steal documents and valuables.
Days after the security guard was found murdered, her former driver was also killed in a road accident in Salem. He was one of the suspects in the guard's murder and was also questioned, police sources had said.
The DMK on Thursday held a protest near Raj Bhavan, urging Governor Banwarilal Purohit to direct Mr Palaniswami to resign for a fair probe into the Kodanad case. Mr Palaniswami had categorically denied the allegations and filed a defamation case against the editor in the Madras High Court.
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